People, upload a lot of files.

But these individuals uploaded the most!

# Name
1 Wix33 3,775
2 RabbitJunk 3,105
3 pee4me 1,789
4 Pussymeme 1,541
5 robar999 1,367
6 oceanus0882 1,156
7 NCC74656 1,150
8 ersatz 805
9 Pello 759
10 Desmond 704
11 Roadkiller83 683
12 MrCrab 626
13 GMoney 485
14 squirm 458
15 dissatisfied 359
16 citard 285
17 EightBitMike 262
18 jean 244
19 wettrousers 204
20 Deathslayer448 182
21 corv 181
22 Echo2 160
23 willwolf 154
24 estoption40 148
25 Tashi 131
26 Lemurmemur 126